Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Customer Service Tips

Hey gang!

If you were wondering about the Einstein riddle the answer is the Germans. Not the Garmins, as someone suggested. It also, AGAIN, was NOT my mother. Smarties!

Here are some tips to become GREAT Customer Service representatives.

1 - Keep a learning log. Did you ever stop to think about how much information we forget? Sometimes the most simple things in life are forgotten. Sometimes people forget to say "good morning" to their coworkers or "I love you" to their family. Seems stupid, but it happens all the time. We humans are funny critters, we get into a rut and forget the good things sometimes. Keep a log of the things you learn and the things that are important.

2 - Feast on feedback. Listen when your customers tell you what they like, listen MORE when they tell you what they don't like. Actively listen for when customer huff, what did you do to make them do that?

3 - Use the Learning Library. Those books have a million tips, some of them are bound to work for you. There are customer service tips, tips on leadership. Check with Bill and see what's out there.

4 - Keep THEIR best interst in mind. Focus on the customers needs! It amazes me how many "difficult" calls we take, and when I ask "what did they want" a common response is "aaaa, I don't know". No wonder they were difficult, you don't even know what they were calling for.

5 - Develop an Attitude of Gratitude. Don't lose sight of the fact that YOU need and needs YOU. The customers need BOTH of us! Pick your attitude, believe it or not it is 100% YOUR CHOICE. You can spend all day blaming someone else for your mood, or you could just smile and go on with your day. Easy to say, hard to do sometimes. But, it's YOUR choice no matter what you think. Keep a photo of something important to you close by. A reminder of why you work.