Friday, May 3, 2013

Do you have an agenda?

So many agenda’s these days.    The liberal agenda.   A conservative agenda.  Right wing, left wing.   If you look at any of these agenda’s or just our news cycle in general most of what you will read will be negative.  

How odd that we live in a country where 90% of people say they hate negative political ads, but they person who wins every election is typically the one that runs more negative ads?    That doesn’t make much sense does it.

What’s your agenda?   Have you ever thought about it?

In the news we hear about the murders, we hear about the bad cops and even some of the bad things that happen in our military.   Rarely do we hear about the good side of those scenarios.    Teachers help children every day in this country and no stories.   A teacher does something inappropriate to a child and it will be front page news for weeks. 

My point is we have a choice here.   We can choose to do what everyone else seems to do and focus on all the negative stuff in this world, or even in our call center.   OR, we can seek out the positives.   It is just as easy to speak about the best customer you had today as it is to speak about the worst customer.   Yet we often choose the worst when we are speaking.  

Take on a positive agenda.  Talk about the customers who compliment you, the ones you help.   All the ones that say thank you instead of the ones that don’t.    Spend more time talking to the people in your life who always bring your spirits up and try to help you.   Not the ones that say “oh don’t do that , it will never work.”    Focus on the things you CAN do vs those you can’t.   Live your life putting effort into the things you can control vs the things you cannot.  

If something bad happens you can still control your reaction.   Remember that you can be mad about something for 15 seconds or 15 years.   Either way the only person you are impacting with your anger is you.

What agenda will you adopt?

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