Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Are you a professional??

In the simplest sense of the word...YES, because you get paid for what you do.

The dictionary gives this definition.
characterized by or conforming to the technical or ethical standards of a profession (2) : exhibiting a courteous, conscientious, and generally businesslike manner in the workplace

Do you conform to the technical and ethical standards we ask?

A professional puts their clients needs ahead of their own. Many people will give you many different examples of what professionalism means to them.

Ask yourself these questions -

Do you think some details customers give are unimportant?

Do you care about how your peers and customers think about you?

Do you know that your attitude and your behavior can effect others around you?

Do you know that your attitude will effect the way you approach everything in your life.

Do you take responsibility for your mistakes?

Do you accept that everyone makes errors and the best way to handle them is to admit them and move on?


Do you know and accept that YOUR success depends on YOUR ability to be honest with YOURSELF?

This is sooo important. Professionalism is something that lives inside you, you control it or your lack of it will control you!


  1. I asked that girl named "Myself" those questions.. she didn't answer me. She must not like me. - Brandy C.

  2. "Do you know and accept that YOUR success depends on YOUR ability to be honest with YOURSELF?"

    In all seriousness, this really isn't very practical or realistic. Our perceptions of our self are most often skewed in wrong directions. Thus the need for relationship and community. Its only through the process of closely relating with another person, that we can truly begin to see ourselves with clearer vision. This also of course is why marriage is so tough. Our spouses are the only ones who can truly see us not only in the worst light but our best light as well, helping us to accept the good, bad, and ugly honesty about our selves.

  3. Being honest with yourself definitely does help your success as opposed to not being honest with yourself. It isn't the "key to success" There are many things that can contribute to success.

    Also, I think the emphasis on the "YOUR" means that it's in your hands and not someone else's, which definitely is more often than not, the case.
